Miles of Salmonberries cover the riverside near Nehalem where an old rail line washed out years ago. In Feburary of 2016 I had made my first visit and it was exciting to see the growth from the past 4 years. Soon this trail will be gone if no further maintenance occurs.After the December 2007 Great […]
Tag: pacific north west
Sand textures
Some beach textures from the Oregon Coast for Spring – Feel free to use in any of your design projects. Download Originals –
McNeil Point
A popular route but some easy access to some beautiful alpine meadows, farther you venture up the trail to the ‘end point’ the fewer traveling – backpackers and less inclined.
Air & Sea
Some photos from the first 4 months of 2018 –
Mt. Baker in the summer
Mt Baker and the Cascade range in late July
From the river
Some recent photos, editing sometimes catches up but in this case the locations sometimes are further apart.